
Before you first start trading, you'll need to transfer funds from "My wallet" to "Exchange wallet".

To make a transfer in of your Exchange Wallet:

  • Click any "Transfer" button.

  • Select "From My Wallet" to "To Exchange Wallet."

  • Choose the currency pair you want to transfer and enter the quantity.

  • Click the "Transfer" button.

  • Congratulations, you've completed your first transfer into the exchange wallet.

Please note that only funds in the exchange wallet can be used for futures trading and staking. Transfers into the exchange wallet of USDT, USDC, USDC.e, and DAI will be converted to USDX.

You always have control over your assets. Transferring assets into the exchange wallet simply deposits them into SubstanceX's smart contract, and you can transfer them back to your Metamask wallet at any time.

To make a transfer out of your Exchange Wallet:

  • Click any "Transfer" button.

  • Select "From Exchange Wallet" to "To My Wallet."

  • Choose the currency pair you want to transfer and enter the quantity.

  • Click the "Transfer" button.

  • Your transfer out is complete.